Definitions for "SBO"
Keywords:  offal, bovine, tonsils, thymus, gut
Specified Bovine Offal
Specified bovine offals. These were the offals of any cow that were thought to represent a risk to the population. Introduced in 1989. Thymus, brain, spinal cord, gut (below duodenum), spleen, tonsils.
SBO is the Systems Biology Ontology project, another cornerstone of the effort. The goal of SBO is to develop Controlled vocabularies and ontologies tailored specifically for the kinds of problems being faced in Systems biology, especially in the context of computational modeling.
Senior British Officer
School Based Option. Initiative giving individual schools greater control over selecting teachers. If 55 percent of a school's professional staff agrees, union seniority rules for hiring teachers are suspended, and the faculty may choose new teachers they consider suitable. With union and school system approval, certain work rules may be changed, too.
Keywords:  occlusion, branch, side
Side Branch Occlusion
Keywords:  based, soil, sales, ordering, organism
Soil-based organism.
Sales Based Ordering