Definitions for "Self-control"
Control of one's self; restraint exercised over one's self; self-command.
The ability to delay gratification or to make decisions based on meeting long-term goals. Self-control enables a person to avoid at-risk activities (such as binge drinking), which often have harmful consequences. Historically, learning to practice and display self-control or self-discipline has been an essential aspect of the undergraduate experience. It is arguable that the majority of personal and social problems in society today--drug abuse, violence, school failure, alcoholism, unwanted pregnancy, debt, and poor eating habits--involve deficiencies or failures in self-control.
a fruit of the Spirit; control of actions or emotions by the will; yielding self to God's will.
countenance or conserving vital sexual cells and fluids for a higher purpose, such as deeper bliss and realization of wholeness.
deciding not to say or do something that you know you shouldn't.