Definitions for "SII"
Keywords:  internos, impuestos, servicio
Servicio de Impuestos Internos
Speech Intelligibility Index. Derived from and in essence identical to STI, SII is the method for by machine measuring speech intelligibility that is currently proposed in draft form as ANSI Standard S3.5-1997. In the Standard, four measurement procedures are allowed, each using a different number and size of frequency bands. In descending order of accuracy, they are: Critical band (21 bands) One-third octave band (18 bands) Equally-contributing critical band (17 bands) Octave band (6 bands) The value of SII varies from 0 (completely unintelligible) to 1 (perfect intelligibility). Return to
Keywords:  hushkit, chapter, stage
Stage 2/Chapter 2 (Hushkit)
Keywords:  seriously, injured, ill, see
See seriously ill or injured.
Tool for assessment feedback that focuses on strengths, areas to improve, and insights.
Structural Impediments Initiative
Keywords:  special, items, interest
Special Interest Items