Definitions for "Taijiquan"
Keywords:  yin, yang, martial, chinese, chuwhen
The Ultimate Fist - A style of Chinese internal martial arts which emphasizes the cultivation of internal Qi.
Yin-Yang Boxing A Chinese internal art form based in the principles of Yin and Yang. Today's predominant styles of Taijiquan are Yang, Sun, Wu, and Chen.
is a Chinese martial art which is based on the yin-yang principle. Thus when moving up one is always able to change and move down, moving to the left one is able to change and move to the right, defending one is ready to attack etc. This is why the movement in Taijiquan has a flowing quality which is never interrupted during the practice. Today Taijiquan is practiced more as a method for health rather than a fighting art. Yet originally it was a very effective and powerful system of fighting.