Definitions for "Taipan"
The most deadly of all snakes. Can reputedly chew through stone.
large highly venomous snake of northeastern Australia
a particularly nasty brand of Australian snake. It's found mostly along the non-desert areas of north and north-east Australia (from Brisbane to Darwin). It is an aggressive, large, slender snake, and may be coloured any shade of brown but always has a rectangular head (large in proportion to the body) and red eyes. Venom output is high and causes neurotoxicity, coagulopathy, and rhabdomyolysis, and the amount retrieved from just one milking from one taipan is enough to kill many million mice. Paralysis is difficult to reverse unless treated early. Untreated, a good bite will almost certainly be fatal. So there.
Keywords:  dope, apple, simulator, wars, game
Taipan! is a computer game for the Apple II which was created in the 1980s. It is a trading simulator similar to Dope Wars.
Keywords:  supreme, leader, industry, men
a supreme leader of men and of industry