Definitions for "Tas"
Keywords:  tas, tivoli, ministry, telephony, icaat
Thai Accounting Standards. Accounting standards issued by the Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Thailand (ICAAT). A TAS must be approved by the Ministry of Commerce and passed into law before it can be adopted.
See Tivoli Application Services (TAS).
Tivoli Application Services. A component of the TMP.
Keywords:  tasmania
Keywords:  tassel
To tassel.
Keywords:  trent, tanzania, tel, tertiary, scheme
Tanzania Assistance Strategy
Trent Accreditation Scheme
Keywords:  heap
A heap.
Keywords:  taxt, ward, casualty, superior, cup
cup. TAXT- WARD, the casualty of a superior for lands in non-entry.
Keywords:  airspeed, true, speed, air
True Airspeed
True Air Speed@^‘΋C‘¬“xB
True Air Speed more
Hebrew for Breastplate, although more commonly referred to as Choshen.
Keywords:  sonar, towed, array
Towed Array Sonar
Keywords:  heb, torah, ornament, scroll, shield
Heb. (Torah Breast Plate (Shield)) Torah scroll ornament.
Telephone Answering System
See Telephone Answering Service.
Telephone Answering Service. Private concern that answers telephone calls and takes messages for a large number of different people and organizations. Because the called number is identified on a special console, the answering service attendant can answer each call as if he or she were actually on the called party's premises.
Keywords:  totalnet, advanced, server
TotalNET Advanced Server
Tenure Administration System
Training Administration Section
Toll Administration Subsystem
Keywords:  tribunal, arbitral, sport
Tribunal Arbitral du Sport
Keywords:  actuated, switch, temperature
Temperature Actuated Switch
Abbreviation for Tropical Atlantic Study.
Target Acquisitions Simulator; software available on the web
Keywords:  snow, beginning, white
white, snow, beginning
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