Definitions for "Telesto"
A moon of Saturn was discovered by Brad Smith, Harold Reitsema, Steven Larson and John Fountain on April 8, 1980. Telesto also is designated as "Saturn XIII" and "S/1980 S13". In Greek mythology, Telesto was daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and was the personification of "Success".
Telesto is one of the 18 moons of Saturn. It was discovered by B. Smith, H. Reitsema, S. Larson, J. Fountain in 1980. It is irregularly-shaped and has a radius of 15x12.5x7.5 km. Telesto an orbit with Calypso (294,660 km from the center of Saturn); these 2 moons are also called the Tethys Trojans because they orbit Saturn in Tethys' orbit, Telesto is 60° ahead of Tethys, Calypso is 60° Tethys Titan. Planet Average Temperature Mercury 100-700 K Venus 726K Earth 260-310 K Mars 150-310 K Jupiter 120 K Saturn 88 K Uranus 59 K Neptune 48 K Pluto 37 K
Telesto , Greek Τελεστώ) is a moon of Saturn. It was discovered by Smith, Reitsema, Larson and Fountain in 1980 from ground-based observations, and was provisionally designated S/1980 S 13. In 1983 it was officially named after Telesto of Greek mythology.