Definitions for "Third eye"
third eye: the sixth chakra which corresponds to the pineal gland and is located just above the eyes at the center of the head; it is the development of your consciousness that opens your third eye; contrary to popular opinion, clairvoyance has nothing to do with having an open third eye; clairvoyance is a subconscious ability, not a superconscious one.
An imaginary eye located on the forehead between the eyebrows which sees psychically.
(1) The divine eye, the spiritual eye, also known as the eye of wisdom (ajña chakra). (2) The psychic eye: not physically visible but mental. Located in the middle of the forehead. (3) Center that identifies the vision of the inner mind and, in general, it capacity to project or receive energy.
a sensory structure capable of light reception located on the dorsal side of the diencephalon in various reptiles
a blessing, which many scholars spend their whole lives trying to receive
Keywords:  surveillance, speak, look
Surveillance speak for look out