Definitions for "Tophi"
Keywords:  uric, tophus, horrific, gritty, chalky
When Uric Acid levels in the bloodstream reach a certain proportion or saturation point, the acid begins to clump together in solid crystals. As these crystals pass through the bloodstream, they accumulate in the joints, most often in the lower extremities, and particularly in the big toe. These accumulations are called Tophi, or Tophus in the singular. A Tophus is pale yellow in color and has a chalky texture. These Tophi are extremely painful and degrade the joint by destroying any cartilage and causing bone to rub against bone. Tophi, left untreated, can erupt through the surface of the skin, inviting severe infection as well as horrific pain. Historically the only treatment for Tophi was surgical removal, but new medications under testing may be able to dissolve a Tophus without surgical intervention.
Gritty nodules that form just under the skin from an accumulation of uric acid crystals
Keywords:  flecks, iris, blue, mixed, white
White closed flecks in the blue and mixed iris.