Definitions for "Trepan"
Keywords:  trapan, insnare, snare, trap
A snare; a trapan.
To insnare; to trap; to trapan.
Keywords:  perforate, skull, trephine, gimlet, saw
A crown-saw or cylindrical saw for perforating the skull, turned, when used, like a bit or gimlet. See Trephine.
To perforate (the skull) with a trepan, so as to remove a portion of the bone, and thus relieve the brain from pressure or irritation; to perform an operation with the trepan.
a surgical instrument used to remove sections of bone from the skull
A large brace with a bit for boring a hole in the cranium (also a verb). (G. trypanon, auger)
a drill for cutting circular holes around a center
cut a hole with a trepan, as in surgery
Keywords:  deceiver, cheat
a deceiver; a cheat.
Keywords:  chisel, sinking, shafts, broad, kind
A kind of broad chisel for sinking shafts.