Definitions for "Trikaya"
DOCTRINE. Doctrine of the three "bodies" (better, levels of manifestation) of the Buddha, developed within Mahayana Buddhism. The three kaya are (1) Dharmakaya (Skt., = Tib. ch–ku), the ultimate nature of Buddhahood as inherent in all phenomena and beings, symbolized by the Buddha-forms Vajradhara in the New Tantra and Samantabhadra in the Old Tantra; (2) Sambhogakaya (Skt., = Tib. longch–ku), the level of visionary manifestation of Buddhahood, as with the yidam or Tantric deities such as Avalokiteshvara, Amitabha or Tara; (3) Nirmanakaya (Skt., = Tib. tulku), the physical form or emanation of Buddhahood, such as the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni. See also TULKU.
(Sanskrit) The three 'bodies', kaya, or vehicles of manifestation of the Buddha; Dharma-kaya, Sambhoga-kaya and Nirmana-kaya.
Three aspects of Buddhahood as taught by the Mahayana School.