Definitions for "VTS"
Keywords:  harbour, essel, raffic, ccg, ervice
Vessel Traffic Services direct ships within a harbour area
essel raffic ervice The CCG system of controlling marine traffic flow in high density harbours, channels and their approaches.
Vessel Traffic System.
Keywords:  vtsi, bup, vtst, vtsm, vmg
Video Title Set on a DVD-Video disc. There can be one or more titles per DVD-Video disc.
Video Title Set. In DVD-Video, a collection of Titles and Video Title Set Menu (VTSM) to control 1 to 99 Titles. It is composed of the Video Title Set Information (VTSI), the Video Object Set for the Menu (VTSM_VOBS), the Video Object Set for the Title (VTST_VOBS), and a backup of the VTSI (VTSI_BUP).
(Video Title Set) Usually holds a DVD's program material, and can be comprised of multiple PGC's. DVD's can have multiple VTS's, much like the tracks of an audio CD. The VTS domain is below or under that of the VMG in regards to the DVD logical structure.
Keywords:  dasd, tape, virtual, reuse, throughput
Virtual Training Suite
Tape library hardware and software extensions that utilize direct-access storage device (DASD) buffers to multiply the tape device count, throughput and storage density of tape library systems. See DASD.
Virtual Tape Server. Specifically refers to the IBM virtual tape hardware. Sometimes used generically to refer to virtual tape systems.
Abbreviations Wake Navigation , Actions , Parts
Abbreviations Weigh Anchor Expressions