Definitions for "Abraham Ellison Garrett"
Abraham Ellison Garrett, 1830-1907, a Representative from Tennessee; born near Livingston, Overton County, Tenn., March 6, 1830; attended the public schools and Popular Springs College, Kentucky; studied law; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Livingston, Tenn.; also engaged in agricultural pursuits; served as lieutenant colonel of the First Regiment, Tennessee Mounted Infantry, in the Union Army during the Civil War; delegate to the State constitutional convention in 1865; member of the State house of representatives in 1865 and 1866; elected as a Democrat to the Forty-second Congress (March 4,1871-March 3, 1873); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1872; resumed the practice of law in Carthage Tenn., where he died February 14, 1907; interment in Carthage Cemetery.