Definitions for "BIOFIELD"
An electromagnetic field or energy field, which surrounds all living bodies, and extends several inches beyond the body. Healing Touch, Medical Qigong, Therapeutic Touch, and Reiki Practitioners utilize this field in the practice of their therapies.
An energy field that suffuses living bodies and extends several inches beyond the body. This concept is employed in therapies such as healing touch, medical qigong, therapeutic touch, and reiki. In these therapies, the biofield from a practitioners hands is joined to the recipients biofield in order to treat an illness or to promote health. There is no consensus on what biofield is; some say it is spiritual energy, others say it is an electromagnetic field.
A biofield is claimed to be "a massless field that: (a) is not necessarily electromagnetic, (b) surrounds and permeates living bodies, (c) affects the body, and (d) possibly is related to qi" "Ongoing Problem with the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine" from Skeptical Inquirer magazine, September, 2003 "Dictionary of Metaphysical Healthcare Unnaturalistic Methods" Although scientists and physicians remain skeptical as to its existence, alternative practitioners claim that humans have a field external from their bodies that strongly affects actions and feelings. They believe biofields can be degraded by EMF frequencies and electronic screens such as radio waves, television and computer screens, and can lead to disease, overstress, and fatigue.