Definitions for "Blastic"
related to formation of conidia, where the conidial initial enlarges prior to the formation of a septum separating the conidium from the conidiogenous cell (see blastospore).
One of two basic kinds of conidiogenesis; there is a marked enlargement of a recognizable conidium before it is delimited by a septum. (See thallic.) ( 23)
having a dense appearance on a plain x-ray; associated with increased density of bone involved by prostate cancer and looking whiter on an ordinary x-ray; prostate cancer bone metastases are usually blastic; breast cancer metastases are usually lytic (showing evidence of less bone density in areas of cancer)
A bone lesion or tumor that is denser than ordinary bone and thus appears as a white area on an X-ray. Blastic lesions are common with prostate cancer patients. A.k.a. osteoblastic.