Definitions for "Carduelis"
the type genus of a subfamily Carduelinae of the Fringillidae, used in some classifications. It includes the goldfinches (such as the American goldfinch, Cardulis tristis, and the European goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis); siskins; redpolls; and linnets, as well as the common northern cardinal (Carduelis cardinalis, also called the cardinal bird).
in some classifications considered the type genus of a subfamily Carduelinae of the family Fringillidae: goldfinches; siskins; redpolls; linnets
The genus Carduelis From Latin carduus, "thistle". Thistle seeds are a favorite food of many species. is a large group of birds in the finch family Fringillidae. It includes the greenfinches, redpolls, goldfinches, linnets, the twite, and the non-African siskins.