Definitions for "Chassidism"
Keywords:  shem, orthodox, tov, mystic, baal
The approach to orthodox Judaism founded by the Baal Shem Tov which stresses emotional involvement in prayer, the power of joy, the love for every Jew, and an awareness of mystic knowledge.
The movement within Orthodox Judaism founded in White Russia by R. Yisrael, the Baal Shem Tov (1698-1760), and stressing: emotional involvement in prayer; service of G*d through the material universe; wholehearted earnestness in divine service; the mystical in addition to the legalistic dimension of Judaism; the power of joy, and of music; the love to be shown to every Jew, unconditionally; and the mutual physical and moral responsibility of the members of the informal chassidic brotherhood, each chassid having cultivated a spiritual attachment to their saintly and charismatic leader, the Rebbe; (b) the philosophy and literature of this movement;
The movement founded by the Ba'al Shem Tov in 18th century Europe. It represented a shift away from rigorous learning being the only way for a Jew to grow closer to God. Chassidism is based on mystical ideas. Its Orthodox Jewish adherents can be often recognised by their distinctive style of dress.
Keywords:  see
see Chassidus.