Definitions for "DELMIA"
a premier brand for digital manufacturing solutions, focused on two unique software applications that can be used to streamline manufacturing processes
Acronym for Digital Enterprise Lean Manufacturing Interactive Application. Dassault Systèmes' PLM solution for engineering lean manufacturing processes. Totally integrated with CATIA, ENOVIA, and SMARTEAM, DELMIA enables manufacturers to digitally plan, create, monitor and control production and maintenance processes. DELMIA applications are built around Dassault Systèmes' unique Product, Process, Resource (PPR) model, providing complete coverage of manufacturing processes.
DELMIA (Digital Enterprise Lean Manufacturing Interactive Application) is the brand for digital manufacturing and simulation solutions from Dassault Systemes. It was formed after the acquisition and consolidation of Deneb Robotics a company pioneered by Rakesh Mahajan of Ranal Group , EAI-Delta, and Safework by Dassault Systemes in 2000. The brand headquarters for DELMIA is located in Troy, Michigan.