Definitions for "Gill Raker"
Keywords:  raker, bony, arch, stebbins, fillaments
Gill Raker - One of the bony parts on the inside of the brachial arches of fishes that help to prevent solid substances from being carried out through the brachial clefts.
a bony "finger" on a gill that diverts solid substances away from the gills.
one of a series of knob- or comb-like projections on the front edge of the gill arch. Gill rakers aid in the fish's feeding. Their shape and number are a good indication of the diet of the fish. Fishes which eat large prey, such as other fishes, have short, widely spaced gill rakers that prevent the prey item from escaping between the gills. Fishes which eat smaller prey have longer, thinner and more numerous gill rakers. Species which feed on plankton have the longest, thinnest and most numerous gill rakers. Gill rakers also protect and clean the gill fillaments. Counts of gill rakers are used as taxonomic characters