Definitions for "HISF"
Health Insurance Supplementary Fund. This is a fund, administered by the Canada Health Act Division to assist eligible individuals who, through no fault of their own, have lost or been unable to obtain provincial or territorial coverage for insured health services under the Canada Health Act. The fund was first established in 1972, when the portability of insurance between provinces varied and allowed for discrepancies in eligibility rules whereby a resident of Canada could become temporarily ineligible for health insurance in a province or territory following a change of province or a change of health care eligibility status (e.g., discharge from RCMP or Canadian Forces). The passage of the Canada Health Act in 1984 eliminated the discrepancies in interprovincial eligibility periods that were the source of most concerns for which the fund was established. There is currently $28,387 in the fund. There have been 5 applications for claims to the HISF since 1984; however, none of these have qualified under the terms and conditions for reimbursement.