Definitions for "Macaca"
Keywords:  macaque, monkey, rhesus, genus, fabian
A genus of macaques including the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), much used in laboratory biomedical research. Formerly called Macacus.
macaques; rhesus monkeys
Macaca macaca. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary. Retrieved September 26, 2006, from is a dismissive epithet used by francophone colonials in Central Africa's Belgian Congo for the native population.Note 22 in The history of Zaire as told and painted by Tshibumba Kanda Matulu in conversation with Johannes Fabian, Archives of Popular Swahili, ISSN 1570-0178, Volume 2, Issue 7 (6 June 2000) It may be derived from the name of the genus comprising macaque monkeys.