Definitions for "Overlock"
An overedge stitch formation.
An overcast stitch to prevent ravelling of fabric. There are sewing machines made to do overlock stitching. See "serger". !-- ch_client = "gharold"; ch_width = 300; ch_height = 250; ch_color_border = "#FFFFFF"; ch_color_bg = "#FFFFFF"; ch_color_title = "#666666"; ch_color_text = "#000000"; ch_non_contextual = 1; ch_nosearch = 1 ; var ch_queries = new Array( "embroidery", "sewing", "quilting", "knitting" ); var ch_selected=Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.length)); ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected];
Verb: The server version of overcasting.