Definitions for "Radial keratotomy"
Abbreviated as RK. A surgical procedure that permanently alters the shape of the cornea by placing microscopically thin relaxing incisions in the peripheral cornea. The incisions cause the central portion of the cornea to flatten, thereby reducing the power of the cornea.
(RK) (keh-ruh-TAH-tuh-mee): Type of refractive surgical procedure. Series of spoke-like (radial) cuts made in the cornea to flatten it, reducing its refractive power and thereby correcting myopia (nearsightedness). Mostly replaced by LASIK now.
Radial Keratotomy or RK, is the earliest form of refractive surgery. In RK, the surgeon uses a knife with a diamond blade to cut radial like incisions on the peripheral area of the cornea. These incisions cause the cornea to weaken and flatten, thereby changing the shape of the eye and correcting myopia.