Definitions for "Spriggan"
Hiroshi Takashige and Ryoji Minagawa during the early 1990s. For a short time, it was known as Striker in the North American English translation since it is the meaning of Spriggan when it is translated from Celtic. Trigunometry's Spriggan Manga Review. Retrieved on January 28, 2007.
The list contains the ISBNs for the various Spriggan mangas released and translated for sale in various countries.
Spriggans are diminutive members of the fairy kingdom, more closely related to sprites and boggles than goblins and dwarves. In the natural state, they could easily be mistaken for a cat if seen from a distance, due to their large luminous eyes, furry bodies, and long tails. But spriggans are otherwise only similar to cats in their complete disinterest in anything other than their own agenda - which, being of the nature of other faeries, changes from moment to moment.