Definitions for "Business requirements"
The conditions an e-learning solution should meet to align with the needs of such stakeholders as the content developer, subject matter expert, learner, manager, and training administrator.
In the context of eLearning, business requirements define conditions that an eLearning solution should meet to align with needs of stakeholders such as content developer, subject-matter expert, learner, manager, and training administrator.
Used in the training industry to refer to the conditions that an eLearning solution should meet in order to satisfy the requirements of the content developer, subject matter expert, the learner, manager and training administrator. Channel Content believes that this needs to be more explicitly formulated so that the criteria for evaluating an eLearning solution should explicitly identify both training and more general operational requirements. In this way, training is more explicitly situated in the context of business goals, and evaluated in terms of its contribution to business objectives.
Keywords:  tthe, success, fields, unit, terms
tthe unit's terms for success in its business fields