Definitions for "Cantaloupe"
A muskmelon of several varieties, having when mature, a yellowish skin, and flesh of a reddish orange color.
These are popular because they're easy to select and very sweet. Ripe cantaloupes have dull yellow backgrounds with raised netting. Avoid those with protruding stems, or tears in the rind at the stem end -it's a tell-tale sign that the melon was picked too soon. When ripe melons are picked, the stem falls off easily, leaving a small, clean depression. After checking the stem end, flip the melon over and check the blossom end. It should be fragrant and yield a bit when pressed. Cantaloupes are cheapest in the summer.
A muskmelon of the round-to-oval, firm fleshed, no sutured, heavy-netted type.
One quarter of a cantaloupe gives most people their daily quotient of both vitamins C and A. It is also a good source of folate, potassium, B vitamins and fiber.
(1/4 medium) Calories Total Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) Total Carbohydrates (g) Sugar (g) Vitamin A (%DV) Calcium (%DV) Calories From Fat Saturated Fat (g) Sodium (mg) Dietary Fiber (g) Protein (g) Vitamin C (%DV) Iron (%DV) 50 12 11 100 25 80
Keywords:  peach, pale, green, depending, light
A pale green or pale peach depending on type of light.