Definitions for "Coi"
Consiglio Oleicolo Internazionale
Consiglio Olivicolo Internazionale
Comisió n Oceanográ fica Intergubernamental
Comité Olí mpico Internacional
Critical Operational Issue..
Contango Operators Inc
CRITICAL OPERATIONAL ISSUES. The critical aspects of a system's operational effectiveness and operational suitability that are intended for resolution during OT&E. They are developed by COMOPTEVFOR, they do not all address CNO-provided measures of effectiveness and suitability (thresholds) per se, and they appear in part IV of the TEMP.
Coordinator of Information, Colonel "Wild Bill" Donovan (US WWII)
Coefficient of Inbreeding. Percentage of inbreeding in a given individual arrived at by analysis of the common ancestors found on both sides of its pedigree. Strictly speaking, the probability an individual will have inherited two copies of exactly the same gene from a common ancestor through each of its parents.
Client Outcomes Inventory. Department of MH/DD/SAS measurement system for assessing treatment/services outcomes of consumers with developmental disabilities.
Consumer Outcome Inventory (state required survey)
Certificate of Insurance. The legal document describing a memberâ€(tm)s coverage under a PPO or POS health plan.
Certificate of Indebtedness. A Certificate of Indebtedness (COI) provides verification from the holder(s) of your student loan(s) regarding the payoff balance on your loan(s).
Change of Institution. A Change of Institution, or COI, occurs when a participant physically moves from one institution to another to continue their research. A Change of Institution involves providing updated research information as well as naming a new Supervisor and Organizational Contact. COIs are reviewed by the Institute or Center that funded the LRP award.
Communities Of Interest
See community of interest.
eXtension - Community of Interest
Keywords:  inquiry, commission
Commission Of Inquiry
Court ordered investigation usually performed by ACS.
Cost of Insurance. The cost of insurance rate charged on the difference between the death benefit and account value, also known as the net amount at risk. The cost of insurance rate is set to cover more than the cost of providing the death benefit. The cost of insurance rate helps cover administrative costs, taxes, and other expenses. The cost is deducted from the account value monthly.
Cost of illness
Keywords:  central, office, information
Central Office of Information