Definitions for "Contracting Out"
This is the process of electing to have National Insurance contributions, which would have been credited to S2P, redirected into a Personal Pension Plan.
Your pension scheme can provide you with benefits which replace the State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme (SERPS). In this case, part of your and your employer's National Insurance Contributions will be paid into your pension scheme. This is called contracting out of SERPS.
You can opt out or 'contract out' of (leave) the State Second Pension. Although you and your employer continue to pay the higher rate of National Insurance contributions, the state will pay an age-related rebate (refund) into a separate pension pot for you. [ Back to A to Z list
Contracting for services with a private provider. State employees do not participate in the bidding for the contracts.
The process of inviting the private sector to carry out in-house (Defence) activities under the direct control of Defence, and on occasions utilising Defence resources.
1. Awarding a contract to an external bidder (from the private sector, other Government Departments or the wider public sector) for work, formerly done in house, following a competition. See also "Out-sourcing". 2. A competition with no in-house bid. See also "Strategic contracting out".
Keywords:  subcontracting, see
See Subcontracting.
Keywords:  hires, outsourcing, task, firm, agreed
hiring a private firm to provide a product or service for a government entity
When an organisation hires someone from outside their organisation to perform a task for an agreed fee, in a set period of time. (see also - Outsourcing)
Agreement between landlord and tenant that the security of tenure provisions of Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 shall not apply. (Section 38(4) of the 1954 Act makes specific provision for this. Such an agreement must be sanctioned by the court, on the joint application by landlord and tenant.)
Some laws allow the seller or manufacturer to contract out of their legal obligations. A seller can do this for a sale of consumer goods to a business - eg, a business buys cups and saucers for the office kitchen.