Definitions for "Debt restructuring"
A general term covering both the rescheduling or refinancing of debt-service payments in arrears and/or of future debt-service payments, in response to external payment difficulties. Français: Restructuration de la dette Español: Reestructura de deuda, renegociación de los pagos (del servicio) de la deuda
Various proposals for relieving the debt burden of developing countries. The indebtedness of many developing countries has been increasing dramatically since 1973; most of the loans have been granted by private commercial banks rather than foreign governments. Many governments are currently unable to service their debt. Debt restructuring could involve complete or partial debt forgiveness, temporary or permanent debt moratorium, interest rate
an event in which a debtor is in financial difficulty and a creditor grants a concession to the debtor in accordance with a mutual agreement or a judgment by a court
On 24 March 2006 the Group raised new long-term financing secured on 127 of its supermarkets.
We approach asset-based lending from a unique perspective. Rather than focusing on risk, we have the financial strength, experience, and flexibility to focus on the entire value of your company.