Definitions for "Descendant"
One who descends, as offspring, however remotely; -- correlative to ancestor or ascendant.
Letter L is a descendant of letter M if M is an ancestor of L.
One who descends from another; one's child, offspring.
(de•scen•dant) n. – a person whose ancestry can be traced to a particular person or group.
one whose ancestry can be traced to a particular individual
A person born into a particular family.
Keywords:  detecta
Keywords:  antecedents, vertex, tree, root, below
a member at any level below a parent
descendant node of any node A is any node below A in a tree model, where "below" means "away from the root."
descendant node of any node A is any node below A in a tree model of a document, where "above" means "toward the root."
one who is descended, however remotely, from another
Describes a species or taxon that has evolved from another species or from within a taxon.
all elements that are directly enclosed within another element.
Keywords:  descent, direct, line, person
a person in the direct line of descent
Keywords:  coming, going, down
going or coming down
Keywords:  person, you
a person that has descended from you.