Definitions for "Disarticulation"
An amputation through a joint: the hip, shoulder, knee, ankle, elbow, or wrist.
amputation through an anatomical joint (ankle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder.)
The breakup of bodily parts following the decay of soft tissues, ususally occurs at skeletal joints such as the limbs and the head.
Disarticulation is the process through which large blocks of ice, sometimes greater than .5 miles in width, detach from the thinning and retreating terminus of a glacier that ends in a body of water. Disarticulation occurs as the terminus thins to where its buoyandcy no longer permits it to remain in contact with its bed. As the glacier begins to float free and rises off the bottom it rapidly comes apart along old fracture scars and crevasses. For example, at Bering Glacier, in the Chugach Mountains, Alaska, a single observed disarticulation event resulted in nearly 2/3 of a mile of terminus retreat in a single day. As many as 100 discrete, tabular pieces of glacier ice have been observed separating from the glacier's terminus in a single event. Bering Glacier flows through Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska. Northeast-looking oblique aerial photograph of a large disarticulation event occurring at Bering Glacier, Coast Mountains, Alaska in August 2001. The width of the disarticulation area is ~ 1.0 mile. This is the same location shown in the LANDSAT image below.
The breaking away of a section or part of something, as in the falling away of the spikelets of a grass from the rachis.
The absence of linkage among sectors of an economy, so that growth in some does not spill over into improved productivity and well being in others.