Definitions for "Federal Style"
The exteriors of these three-story square structures are characterized by low-pitched, balustraded roofs, and are often surrounded by ornate fences. The massive size of a federal style building, combined with its simplicity, creates a feeling of restrained elegance which was very attractive to the Quakers of the New Bedford area. 1820 - 1860
style of architecture popular in America from the Revolution through the early 19th-century (in North Carolina from about 1800 to 1840) derived from the influential work of the Adam brothers in England. Characterized by a delicate use of Roman Classical ornament. Also called Adam style or Adamesque after the Roman-inspired style of Scots architects Robert and James Adam.
An American style, mostly seen in furniture, which came into being after the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and following the neo-classical style in Europe.