Definitions for "Follow Up"
an effective rejoinder, because of the ineffectiveness of Cancel posts
A reply to a USENET newsgroup article (post). See also Newsgroup and Post.
(also reply) To respond to an article by posting a response to the newsgroup. See quoting.
To check the progress of; to see if results are satisfactory.
Checking on results such as blood tests periodically after treatment has been prescribed and keeping doctor appointments for physical exams.
pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue; "Did he go through with the treatment?"; "He implemented a new economic plan"; "She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal"
Supportive assistance throughout the duration of early intervention services. Follow up services may determine the adequacy of past and present programs in meeting the needs of the child/ family. The services may also ascertain the readiness of the child to benefit from new programs.(up to a period of time, when it becomes, one does follow up)
Accuracy of the environmental assessment is verified and effectiveness of mitigation measures is determined.