Definitions for "Home Medical Equipment"
Home Medical Equipment (HME) is any equipment that provides therapeutic benefits or enables the beneficiary to perform certain tasks that he or she is unable to undertake otherwise due to certain medical conditions and or illnesses. HME includes equipment such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, traction equipment, canes, crutches, walkers, kidney machines, ventilators, oxygen and other medically needed items.
also Durable Medical Equipment. Item which meets the following criteria: it is durable enough to withstand repeated use; it is primarily and customarily manufactured to serve a medical purpose; and it is not useful in the absence of illness or injury. Examples include wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches.
Durable medical equipment prescribed by a physician for use by a patient at home. It is a means of continuing access to health care without remaining in the hospital. Such equipment may help the patient function more independently, it may assist recuperation, or it may be palliative. The equipment may be leased or purchased. These costs may be covered by a health plan.