Part of the CGL, this covers the incidental serving of alcohol by an insured who is not in the business of serving alcohol.
A form of liquor liability directed at hosts of business or social functions where liquor or alcohol is served, with or without a charge. The basis for legal liability is a dram shop, liquor control or alcoholic beverage law. The laws vary by state, but most provide that the owner, operator or host serving or selling alcoholic beverages is liable for injury or damage caused by or to an intoxicated person if it can be established that the owner, operator or host caused or contributed to the intoxication of the person through the sale or serving of alcoholic beverages.
A special liability form that covers individuals or organizations (not engaged in the business of distilling, selling or distributing alcoholic beverages) that sponsor or host events where liquor is served. Coverage is provided for injury or damage caused by an intoxicated person to whom the insured served liquor.