Definitions for "Incidents of Ownership"
Various rights that may be exercised under the policy contract by the policyowner. Some of the incidents of ownership may include rights: (1) to cash-in the policy, (2) to receive a loan on the cash value of the policy, and (3) to change the beneficiary designation.
The rights to exercise any of the privileges or rights in a policy, for example, to change beneficiaries, withdraw cash values, make loans on the policy, assign it, etc.
In life insurance, the right to exercise any of the privileges of policy ownership, including the right to change beneficiaries, withdraw cash values, take policy loans, make assignment, etc.) Incidents of ownership can be major estate planning factors for policyowners who wish to transfer policy ownership from themselves to another person or a trust, thereby removing the policies from their estates. If any incidents of ownership remain with the original owner, policy proceeds may be included in the person's estate at death.
Keywords:  incompatibility