Definitions for "Last in, first out"
Keywords:  lifo, fifo, inventory, queue, valuation
("LIFO") For inventory accounting purpose s, the last unit into the inventory is assumed to be the first unit to be drawn out. The inventory value assigned to any unit drawn out is the value of the last unit record ed as still being in inventory. It does not matter which unit is physically drawn out of inventory. See also FIFO. [D03520] GAT
A queuing technique in which the next item or person to be handled or retrieved is the item most recently placed in the queue. This works well in warehouses to ensure the most current stock is shipped first. However, it is not usually effective for handling queued callers at the Service Desk/Help Desk or Customer Support Centre. See first in first out.
Inventory costing method whereby inventory is stated at its earliest cost while charging cost of sales at its latest cost