Definitions for "LCG"
The LHC Compuring Grid Project, which intends to serve the computing needs of LHC by deploying a world-wide grid. The most visible LCG applications for Atlas end-users are POOL and SEAL, which is an LCG subproject. The LCG project site has extensive information. See Also grid, POOL, SEAL.
LHC Computing Grid project at CERN. The goal of the LCG project is to meet the LHC experiments' unprecedented computing needs by deploying a worldwide computational grid service, integrating the capacity of scientific computing centers spread across Europe, America and Asia into a virtual computing organisation. See
Load classification group
Landcare Group
Local Consultative Group. The Local Consultative Group (LCG)is mechanism established and used by the country's international development partners for aid coordination amongst donors. The LCG operates with Working Groups organised as small teams of donor officials to focus attention on sectoral and thematic issues. Currently about twenty WGs are at work.
Keywords:  lacrimal, gland
lacrimal gland
Linear Congruental Generator