Definitions for "Lip sync"
The maintenance of sound (i.e., speech) exactly in step with movement in a visual image ( e.g., talking heads). A common cause is different transmission paths and transmission technologies for the sound and image signals. Within codec hardware, the processing time for the video portion of the signal is about 100 times longer than the audio processing time. Consequently, codecs usually incorporate adjustable audio delay circuitry to delay-equalize the two signals to maintain lip sync.
combining audio and video recording in such a way that the sound is perfectly synchronized with the action that produced it; especially synchronizing the movements of a speaker's lips with the sound of his speech
Audio and video being visibly out of step during DVD playback. Lip-sync is usually caused by poor disc authoring or DVD player firmware problems. This can often be fixed by firmware updates.
Keywords:  dubbing, see
(See Dubbing.)