Definitions for "Machiavellian"
Of or pertaining to Machiavelli, or to his supposed principles for conduct of government, as enunciated in his tract The Prince; politically cunning; characterized by duplicity, political expediency, unscrupulous cunning, or bad faith; crafty.
One who adopts the principles of Machiavelli; a cunning and unprincipled politician.
of or relating to Machiavelli or the principles of conduct he recommended; "Machiavellian thinking"
malcontent | masculine rhyme | masque | maxim | meaning | Mermaid Tavern | metaphor | Metaphysical | metastasis | mime | mimesis | Miracle / Mistery Plays | Misrule, Lord of | monody | monologue | Morality Plays | motion | muse | myth
a personality type who is a cross between an antisocial personality and a narcissist, and someone who also has an extremely high sense of entitlement