Definitions for "NPDB"
NATIONAL PRACTITIONER DATA BANK. NPDB provides adverse information on physicians and other health care practitioners. (Verified Credentials, Inc. Menu of Services)
National Practitioner Data Bank. An information source in the Department of Health and Human Services containing data about physicians and other health practitioners provided for by the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986.  Specified adverse actions against physicians, dentists, and other health care practitioners, such as loss or settlement of a medical malpractice suit, suspension of hospital privileges, or punitive action by a state licensing authority, must be reported to this national computerized system.  The information in the data bank is available to state licensure bodies, professional societies, credentialing groups of hospitals and other health facilities, and others.  The purpose is to protect hospitals, other health care facilities, and their patients from unethical conduct and incompetent medical care, particularly from practitioners who cross state lines.
National Practitioner Data Bank. A database maintained by the federal government that contains information on physicians and other medical practitioners against whom medical malpractice claims have been settled or other disciplinary actions have been taken.
Keywords:  portability, database, number
number portability database