Definitions for "OEL"
Occupational Exposure Lim it
Occupational Exposure Limit: General term for concentration of air contaminants above which people should not be exposed at work.
Occupational exposure limit, a measurement of toxicity based on the concentration level permissible in areas with long term human occupation.
optional endorsement line. A series of specific printed characters on the top line of the address block that identifies the sortation level of a bundle and may contain an ACS participant code. The OEL is used in place of bundle labels.
Keywords:  backlight, lcd, wider, bright, angles
A type of display technology that allows for flat screens that are very bright and offer wider viewing angles than LCD technology. As well, no backlight...
Keywords:  outlook, express, live
Outlook Express Live
German spelling for the word "oil".  Diesel engines are abbreviated OM (oel motor / i.e. diesel oil motor).