Definitions for "Okara"
Keywords:  tofu, soybean, soy, soymilk, tempeh
oh-KAH-rah] The residue that is left after the liquid is drained off when making soybean curd (tofu). This white by-product resembles wet sawdust. Okara, which is high in protein and fiber, is used in Japanese cooking for soups, vegetable dishes and even salads. It can be found in Asian markets that sell fresh tofu.
This is the solid material what remains when the soymilk is strained. Okara still contains a lot of high quality soy protein. It is used as ingredient in various food products. It can also be turned into tempeh.
Okara or soy pulp is a white or yellowish pulp consisting of insoluble parts of the soybean which remain in the filter sack when pureed soybeans are filtered in the production of soy milk. It is low in fat, high in fiber, and also contains protein, calcium, iron, and riboflavin.
Keywords:  tropical, plant, type
a type of tropical plant