Definitions for "Optical mouse"
Keywords:  mouse, diode, cursor, sensor, led
A type of mouse that uses a CMOS digital camera and a digital signal processor to detect motion. The camera photographs the surface over which the mouse moves 1500 times per second, and the digital signal processor uses the photographs to convert the mouse movement into onscreen movements of the cursor. IntelliMouse Explorer and IntelliMouse with IntelliEye, two optical mouse models with no moving parts and requiring no special mouse pad, were introduced by Microsoft in 1999. A type of mouse that uses a pair of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and a special reflective grid pad to detect motion. The two lights are of different colors, and the special mouse pad has a grid of lines in the same colors, one color for vertical lines and another for horizontal lines. Light detectors paired with the LEDs sense when a colored light passes over a line of the same color, indicating the direction of movement.
A mouse that senses where it is by emitting a light which bounces off a special reflective mouse pad.
a great asset for this game, but if you don't have one a regular mouse is fine
a good idea to minimise maintenance or replacement costs and hassles
Keywords:  wireless