Definitions for "Potassium"
A mineral the body needs for fluid balance and other essential functions.
The principal cation in intracellular fluid and is of primary importance in its maintenance. In conjunction with sodium and chloride, it aids in regulation of osmotic pressure and acid-base balance. A proper balance of potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions is essential for normal excitability of muscle tissue, especially cardiac muscle and it plays a role in the conduction of nerve impulses.
a mineral that as an electrolyte is needed to maintain fluid balance, proper heartbeat and nerve transmission. No RDA has been established.
An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined, as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic weight 39.0. Symbol K (Kalium).
Symbol K Atomic mass:39.098. A silvery-white metallic element. It is used in fertilizers and special kinds of glass, when used as a compound.
Referred to as "potash," potassium is the third element contained in a complete fertilizer (such as 10-8-6).
Keywords:  ppm
ppm None 2.83 1.48 – 3.49
Keywords:  ion, mash, cation, notation, inhibits
An ion that at high concentrations inhibits certain enzymes in the mash.
The major positive ion (cation) found inside of cells. The chemical notation for potassium is K+. See the entire definition of Potassium
Occurs naturally in all water sources and is not removed during water treatment. The concentrations present in water do not present any risk to health. 12 mg/l
1682.500 1350.000 1680.000 2035.000 1727.500