Definitions for "Power exchange"
This is a commercial entity responsible for facilitating the development of transparent spot prices for energy capacity, and/or ancillary services.
A spot price pool that is governed and operated separately from the independent system operator (ISO). In a Power Exchange/ISO model, the spot price pool schedules generation and provides price bids to the ISO. The ISO may then use the sets of price bids provided by the Power Exchange to establish congestion prices, match actual demand to available supply, and facilitate the efficient short-term operation of the integrated generation and transmission system.
Entity established in California to provide an efficient competitive auction, open on a nondiscriminating basis to all electricity suppliers, that meets the loads of all exchange customers at efficient prices.
(PE) - In both BDSM and D/s, this is a imprecise term. 'Power' is the ability affect the world around you. This term is associated with a submissive exchanging his/her authority to make decisions (whether just for a scene, or for his/her entire life), for the Dominant's agreement to take responsibility for his/her happiness and health. (See Total Power Exchange)
sexual role-playing when one acts as the dominant and the other the submissive.