Definitions for "Prova"
Rehearsal, from the Italian word for "test"; often in Italy, one hears of a "prova generale,"which means the final dress rehearsal. In Germany, a rehearsal is called "probe" (PROE beh); in German houses, one frequently hears of a sitzprobe (a rehearsal with orchestra where the singers sing seated on chairs at the front of the stage instead of moving about) or wandelprobe (where the singers actually go through the motions of their acting while the orchestra plays the music) or generalprobe (which is, in essence, the last dress rehearsal).
Keywords:  sourceforge, prolog, cvs, summer, forum
Prova is an open source programming language which combines Prolog with Java. Version 1.9 of the system is expected this summer offering significant updates and performance improvements. The current CVS changes on sourceforge are tracked via the Prova forum.