Definitions for "Raksha"
A class of fabulous beings represented as demons and night rangers, and wearing various shapes at will. The inhabitants of Ceylon, with whom the hero of the Epic fought, are represented as Rakshas.
Raksha the Demon (or Mother Wolf as initially named) is a fictional character featured in Rudyard Kipling's Mowgli stories, collected in The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book. She is a female wolf, member of an Indian pack, who while suckling her own cubs decides also to adopt a human "cub" that her mate Father Wolf has found wandering in the jungle, naming him "Mowgli" (which means "frog" in the Speech of the Jungle) because of his hairlessness.
Keywords:  snowman, abominable, see
See Abominable Snowman
In Hindi, Raksha means 'protection'. This word is derived from the Sanskrit language.