Definitions for "Slackness"
Not to be confused with Lin Yutang's notion of "The Noble Art of Leaving Things Undone," slackness [from the same Latin word for "loose" which gives us "languish" and "relaxation"] refers to a blameworthy lack of due or necessary diligence, precision, or care. It's one thing not to care about work which is forced upon you, but an apathetic response to the prospect of any kind of sustained effort whatsoever is something else entirely. Despite the Church of the Subgenius's attempt to appropriate this word for idlers and skivers, then, "slack" ought to go on being used as a synonym for "lazy." See: APATHETIC, BLASÉ, COMPLACENT, LAZY, SLACKER.
the condition of being loose (not taut); "he hadn't counted on the slackness of the rope"
Keywords:  rastaman, rasta, ska, chris, murray
Slackness is a collaborative album between acoustic ska vocalist Chris Murray and the New York City ska band The Slackers. Two songs (Running From Safety, Rastaman Rock) also appear on The Slackers and Friends, as different versions. "Rastaman Rock" is renamed to "I Am A Rasta Man" on The Slackers and Friends.
Keywords:  lewd, vulgar, lyrics, singing, popular
lewd, vulgar lyrics popular in DJ singing
Keywords:  quality
The quality or state of being slack.