Definitions for "Sniffing"
An attacker puts a computer on your network into "promiscuous mode", listening to every bit of traffic that goes by on the network and captures all the data. Normally a computer's network connection ignores traffic that is not addressed to it, but when sniffing the computer will pick up everything. This is an easy way to pick up clear text passwords. e-mail programs frequently use clear text passwords. Many users use the same password for everything. This allows an attacker to crawl deeper into your network. There are freely available tools on the Internet that anyone can download and use.
Attack that collects information from network messages by making copies of their contents. Password sniffing is the most widely publicized example.
Using a promiscuous network adapter, router or server to capture packets being transmitted across a network.
This seems pretty self-evident, doesn't it? Winegeeks spend a lot of time doing this, often concentrating hard enough on whether that Note is 'basil' or 'oregano' to make blood vessels in their tiny geek brains burst asunder.
A rapid inspiratory act, in which the mouth is kept shut and the air drawn in through the nose.
Inhaling gases from ground coffee and vapors from brewed coffee through the nose and on to the nasal membrane.
A method of determining whether email recipients are capable of receiving HTML-formatted messages. This procedure is not recommended as it is flawed and may result in inaccurate findings.